Of the 5 species present in France, 3 have been listed in Drôme Ardèche. Anne Bounias-Delacour is a naturalist, specialist in arachnids.
For the moment, Euscorpius flavicaudis has gone up to Valence where it can reproduce, but with global warming, some scorpions could, in 20 years, end up in Lyon.
– Anne Bounias-Delacour
The bite is not fatal in France, but for some sensitive people it can lead to hospitalization. Buthus occitanus is the one with the most virulent venom, the bite of which can cause a fever of up to 40 degrees.
– Anne Bounias-Delacour
they crush the shell of their prey to be able to consume it.
Anne Bounias-Delacour’s website, THREADS AND SILKS
INPN, National Inventory of Natural Heritage:
Buthus occitanus
Euscorpius tergestinus
Euscorpius flavicuadis