the school group association files a new appeal with the courts

A first summary suspension was filed before the Lille administrative court in January 2024. Finally rejected by the courts, the Averroès school group association decided to file a new appeal. The objective: to suspend the termination of the association contract which linked the establishment to the State, decided by the prefect of the North in December 2023.

At the Averroès high school in Lille, the start of the school year will take place, that’s for sure. But under what conditions ? Since the prefect of the North formalized the termination of the association contract which linked the Averroès school group to the State, on December 7, 2023, the Muslim establishment has been in dire straits. Without funding from the government, the treasury of the Averroès high school is struggling to stay in the green, to the detriment of the families enrolled in the establishment.

► Also read: Lycée Averroès: justice confirms the cessation of subsidies, the establishment refers the matter to the Council of State

While awaiting the substantive judgment, the Averroès association has filed a new appeal before the administrative court of Lille, hoping to suspend the prefectural decision to better understand the next school year. Despite the failure of the last summary suspension filed in January 2024 and rejected at the beginning of February by the court, the parents and educational staff of the school group are not giving up.

This time, the appeal was filed on behalf of all people attached to Averroès“, specifies Eric Dufour, director of the establishment. “No one recognizes themselves in the description that was made of the Averroes group, what we are accused of around Islam is unfounded. The few criticisms made have been corrected, as requested from other prestigious establishments.”

No one recognizes themselves in the description that was made of the Averroes group, what we are accused of around Islam is unfounded.

Eric Dufour, director of the Averroès school group

Students, parents and teachers have until August 31 to make their case heard, which brought them before the Council of State in May, before abandoning the appeal. After this date, the State will officially cease to support the school group.

The court should take up the appeal, or not, in the coming days. A decision which will have a major impact on the start of the school year for Averroès and its 400 students. In the meantime, Eric Dufour explains that “two scenarios are envisaged for September“. One with state aid, the other, based on financing families and the prize pool launched online 4 months ago to reach one million euros.

If the summary suspension is once again invalidated by the administrative court, the establishment will be obliged to reduce the number of students and teachers: “Currently, only 3/4 of the students will be able to be registered in September. A good number of teachers could be taken back, but some have requested a temporary transfer while awaiting the decision, which could change everything.

A good number of teachers could be taken back, but some have requested a temporary transfer while awaiting the decision, which could change everything.

The director adds with annoyance that tuition fees should increase, aware that the cost would the detriment of the poorest families“. However, this school group of excellence welcomes between 50 and 60% of scholarship students.

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