The Satys factory will not be able to set up in Marignane

It’s a victory for the town hall of Marignane and residents’ collectives. The Satys factory, classified Seveso, will not settle in the ZAC des Florides. Martine Vassal, president of the Metropolis, gives success to the mayor Eric Le Dissès and the groups of inhabitants, mobilized since the beginning of October against this installation project scheduled for 2022.

Specialized in the treatment of surfaces for aeronautics, the Satys factory uses dangerous products like Chromium VI and hydrochloric acid, which explains the concern of the inhabitants with in mind, for example, the water pollution by the Protech Métaux Arenc (PMA) plant in the Aygalades district in Marseille (15th).

Eric Le Dissès, mayor of Marignane, refused to sign the building permit for this factory, and is pleased with this victory. “From the moment it is classified Séveso, we say no.”

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