The Sarthoise company Grav’Or exhibits at the “Made in France” fair in Paris

French know-how is exhibited from November 10 to 13 in Paris, on the occasion of the “Made in France” fair
, Porte de Versailles. For the first time in its history, the Sarthe company Grav’Or is taking part. ” The opportunity to show our work entirely carried out in our workshops in Le Mans sums up its president, Isabelle Ratiskol. The entrepreneur had taken over this mirror factory, specializing in glass engraving in 2014, when it was in receivership.

A market extended to individuals

Since then, the company, which today counts 21 employeesin the University district of Le Mans has developed considerably, from “of the industrial sector, ten years ago to a production extended to individuals. ” The manufacture of partitions remains very important but we have also developed the artisanal side. We do a lot of things by hand », explains Isabelle Ratiskol, business manager from the construction sector. ” With my team, I am very proud of it “, she comments.

The French have taken a liking to furnishing their interior

For individuals, Grav’Or
manufactures, for example, splashbacks for kitchens, shower cubicles, mirrors, glass tables or even decorative paintings. ” With the confinement, we have even developed lacquers whose bases for making colors are spices found in our kitchens, as well as natural earths. », recalls the president of Grav’Or. Initially, the health crisis caused the Sarthe-based company’s sales to drop, but quite quickly, ” both professionals and individuals have returned to renovate their interiors “recalls Isabelle Ratiskol.

The price of glass multiplied by two

Today, like all companies, Grav’Or is faced with rising raw material and energy costs. ” The price of glass has more than doubled in a year and a half », Details the president of the Sarthoise company. ” For energy, we are going to take the full force of the increase since we have heated tables for cutting glass “. In these conditions, we have increased our selling prices », says Isabelle Ratiskol. ” But not in the same proportions. Our margins are therefore reduced “.

A playing card for the 2024 Olympics

However, the entrepreneur is confident for the future. ” We know that 2023 is fast approaching with our sights set on preparing for the Olympic Games, which will allow us to be present in major cities for the fitting out of hotels and shops or for leisure. We have our card to play “says the president of Grav’Or.

Listen to the chronicle “The new eco” from 7:15 am on France Bleu Maine

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