The Sarladais Jon Sayad publishes “Dream of a day” for the benefit of sick children

Rêves is a national non-profit association, recognized as being of public utility. Since its creation in 1994, its mission has been to fulfill the dreams of very seriously ill children and adolescents.
To offer them an enchanted parenthesis to forget about the disease… such is the aim of the association. More than any other, very seriously ill children need to dream of projects that stimulate them and give them the strength to fight against the disease.
By making their wildest wishes come true, the association allows them to escape from everyday life and live unforgettable experiences that help them regain confidence in the future.

“In February 1994, and more particularly, on Saturday February 5, it was a meeting between 7 friends, a metal sugar box in which each poured 50 francs, all this to build a lot of hope and motivation in order to allow very seriously ill children to live the best day of their life, to learn to surpass themselves, to overcome the disease, to rediscover their identity as children and above all to be the Hero of their story! » Josiane Gonnot, President of the association Rêves

A collection for the benefit of the association

Jon Sayad, an artist from Sarlad, had the idea of ​​calling on other authors, poets, designers, illustrators and calligraphers to bring together works in a collection entitled “Rêve d’un jour”. Through their arts, they invite us to travel on the themes of childhood, love, sensuality and social themes.

You can order this collection, all of the profits of which are donated to the benefit of the Rêves association.

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