Yannick MASSE is an eco-guard at the Environment Sports Nature department of the Drôme department, owner and manager of the site.
In the Drôme, there are about 170 species of birds, including more than a hundred in the Saoû forest. Some are recognized as being of heritage interest, all this biodiversity shows the responsibility of the owner and the manager. This syncline acts a bit like a magnet where the birds come to use the cliffs as a nesting site to finally extend their hunting territories on either side of the massif, to the north, south, east and east. west, and the owner and manager of the site must succeed in protecting and preserving these species.
Golden eagle, emblematic and fantastic.
On the Saoû massif, two couples use the cliffs of the syncline as a nesting site. Each of them has a much larger, much larger, but distinct hunting territory in which they can satisfy their prey needs.
– Drome department
Peregrine Falcon and Red-billed Chough
Last year we were pleasantly surprised to see nine young peregrine falcons take flight from the cliffs, which in terms of density on a 2500 hectare site is relatively high.
– Drome department
“Serene as a bird in Saoû” ladrome.fr