the sand back in the sky… and soon on the cars

You may have taken advantage of the last days of good weather to finally wash your car or your terrace full of sand after the passage of a cloud from the Sahara. You will therefore be disappointed to learn that a new cloud of sand circulates since Monday, March 28 above our heads and should again spread throughout the region during the next rains.

A smaller cloud than two weeks ago

According to the association Météo Suivi Alsace, it is Tuesday and Wednesday (March 29 and 30) that the concentration of sand will be the highest.

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The sandy rains that dirty the cars should arrive on Wednesday evening. But this new episode will be less intense than that of March 15, specifies the association.

Above all, the weather for the following days could give a little push for car cleaning. Locally stormy rains are on the program for the next few weeks according to Météo Suivi Alsace.

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