the sanctions of deputies break records

A total of ten sanctions have been imposed since the election of the new Assembly in June, and in five years under the previous term, 15 sanctions had been recorded.

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Two temporary exclusions in three months, an elected official still pinned, Monday, February 13, for remarks in the hemicyle … The number of sanctions of parliamentarians is unprecedented since the beginnings of the Fifth Republic. A total of ten sanctions have been imposed since the election of the new Assembly in June, and in five years under the previous term, 15 sanctions had been recorded. Since the arrival of the elected Macronists, there have thus been more sanctions than since 1958, 23 sanctions having been pronounced until 2017.

Monday, during the resumption of the examination of the pension reform project, the deputy LFI Aurélien Saintoul accused the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt of being a “impostor” and one “assassin”, provoking a recess and outrage in all other camps. The rebellious elected presented his apologies, but received from the chairman of the meeting a “call to order with entry in the minutes”, i.e. the withdrawal of a quarter of his parliamentary allowance for one month. A heavier sanction could be pronounced in office, the highest authority of the Assembly.

Two temporary exclusions since November

Friday, his rebellious colleague Thomas Portes had been sanctioned by fifteen days of exclusion from the National Assembly, after a tweet where he had staged his foot resting on a ball bearing the image of the Minister of Labor. He had refused to apologize in the hemicycle. The same sanction had been pronounced against the elected RN Grégoire de Fournas, author of racist remarks in November during a session of questions to the government.

Before these two parliamentarians, only one other deputy had been temporarily excluded from the Palais Bourbon. It was Maxime Gremetz (related PCF) in March 2011, for an altercation because of… ministerial cars, badly parked according to him.

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