the sanctions against Russia will “obviously have an economic impact for France”, believes Gabriel Attal


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The government spokesperson, however, wanted to be reassuring: “We are preparing a resilience plan, measures, so that this impact is as mitigated as possible for the French and Europeans.”

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal spoke on France Inter and franceinfo about the economic sanctions targeting Russia: “There will obviously be an economic impact for Europe and therefore for France”. However, he is reassuring: “We are preparing a resilience plan, measures, so that this impact is as mitigated as possible for the French and Europeans.”

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He adds : “Our main concern and mobilization relates to gas” but also on agriculture because “there may be an impact on costs”. European countries are indeed 40% dependent on Russian gas, including 18% for France, or even 100% “for certain Eastern countries”. The spokesperson recalls, however, that“there is no risk of shortage”.

Reflections are being carried out at European level to guarantee the supply of gas for countries that are very dependent on Russia. Discussions are being held with other countries, such as Qatar, Algeria and Nigeria. But there is also work on cushioning the increase in gas prices.

Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson


Gabriel Attal also indicates that in France “A gas price freeze has been implemented until next summer. We are ready to extend it if necessary.” Regarding the entrepreneurial environment, “the expected impact on French companies is quite limited”according to Gabriel Attal, who explains that “the share of imports exports with Russia is quite low”.


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