the Saltivka district of Kharkiv is now a field of ruins


France 2

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Journalist Maryse Burgot is in duplex, Tuesday, March 29, from Kharkiv. Shelling is still going on in the city.

What is the situation in Kharkiv (Ukraine), Tuesday, March 29? “We find ourselves this morning in the Saltivka district, it is a residential and popular district of Kharkiv, the second city of the country. Behind me, buildings whose all the windows have been blown out”indicates the reporter Maryse Burgot present on the spot. “Almost all the buildings in this residential district of Kharkiv were hit by the bombardments”says the journalist.

The neighborhood was evacuated, and only a few residents are still in shelters. “Destroyed cars everywhere, charred by the bombardments, and still regularly we still hear bombardments. Everywhere electric wires hanging down, there is no more electricity, no more gas”also indicates Maryse Burgot.

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