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The west of France is more and more coveted. We are therefore witnessing a surge in real estate prices in this region.
Mortgage rates keep going up. Some French people therefore wonder if this is the right time to buy. One thing is certain, this does not deter buyers in the western regions that have become more and more coveted since the Covid-19 crisis. The demand is such that housing is overpriced. In Dinan, in the Côtes-d’Armor, the price per square meter has increased by 26% in one year. Indeed, goods are increasingly rare on the market. This is what explains this surge in prices.
In towns farther from the coast, the same phenomenon is observed. In Cholet (Maine-et-Loire), for example, the value of a house has increased by 40,000 euros in five years. The territory had become more attractive even before the health crisis. According to Me Bernard Delorme, president of the Interdepartmental Chamber of Notaries of Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe, the west of France was a little underrated. This would explain this price increase. However, according to him, the market will regulate itself.