The salary of elected officials across the throat

The project to increase the salaries of MPs is difficult to digest, judging by the flood of responses received following our appeal to all. Here is a sampling of our readers’ views.

help democracy

It was high time to increase the salaries of deputies. Personally, I believe this will help democracy and the attraction of good candidates.

Richard Cote

In the National Assembly and in society

Members’ remuneration must be assessed as a whole. The salary is one thing, the “perks” are another, and the pension plan is the icing on the sundae!

In society in general, the remuneration of an employee takes into account all these factors. It could not be otherwise with deputies.

The process for setting MPs’ compensation is flawed. To avoid a 30% increase all at once, we should have established a gradual increase, as is the case for everyone. And above all, establish a neutral mechanism that would prevent members from deciding their own remuneration, which makes no sense.

Celine Jalbert

Lack of empathy

Indecent, this increase, very ill-advised in a period of negotiations with the public sector. MPs must lead by example. A cost-of-living increase, yes. A retroactive increase, no. A 100% pension fund, what a lack of empathy with voters who are struggling to make ends meet.

Luc Gagne

The voiceless employer voters

Who wouldn’t want a 30% raise? To ask the question is to answer it! Here, the indecency stems from the fact that it is the deputies themselves who are going to give themselves this increase… any employer on the planet would not accept this way of doing things, but here, we, the employers of the deputies, we don’t have a say.

Roselyne Legault

Elastic principles

As the saying goes, what’s good for pup is good for kitty! I am absolutely not against salary increases for MPs, however these increases must take into account the principles of total remuneration. This principle has been in force in Quebec for a long time! I was already a union negotiator in 1977 for a union at Hydro-Québec. This principle was applied! The CAQ has elastic principles!

Jean-Guy Dalpe


They are disconnected from reality to do such a thing. There are no other categories of workers who can boast of having 30% wage increases – in times of financial uncertainty and more. They certainly don’t live on the same planet as me.

Denis Lemire

Let’s stop petty politics

The increase is completely justified, Let’s stop petty politics, and yes, for deputies well paid for the tasks they perform. And those who find that it is too much with the deputies, they only have to make donations and let them be known. They will stop playing petty politics and will present themselves in the committees in order to establish the guidelines!

Claude Grefford

And sharing in all this?

I find it immoral to vote for a 30% increase instead of sharing this percentage with the teachers, attendants, nurses and workers who save lives. A small 5% to each? I am deeply disappointed with Mr. Legault. Pronounced arrogance. I took my Parti Québécois card.

Claudine Gagne

Review the pension plan

This increase is too generous in the current context. I don’t know what the percentage should be, but having worked 35 years in public administration, I find it indecent to give 30% when many are struggling to get 12%. In addition, the pension plan needs to be reviewed and the percentage of their contribution to the plan is not sufficient. I understand that this job is demanding, but so is that of teachers, attendants and nurses.

Therese Leclerc

The snake does not pass

I believe that MPs are entitled to a raise, but let them be fair and do it the same way they do for the rest of our employees! With negotiations – either a percentage per year for four or five years until the catch-up, or as proposed by Quebec solidaire supported by the Parti Quebecois, in 2026. The speed with which they want to make us swallow the snake is worrying and unhealthy!

Michele De Buck, Saint-Eustache

contempt and condescension

I am a retired teacher who continues to work part-time, two days a week. In 27 years of career, I have known three special laws, a freeze of levels which made me lose a few thousand dollars, ridiculous salary increases (0.50%, 0.75% and so on) and a few thousand unpaid overtime hours. So you will understand that I am not particularly inclined to pass a positive judgment on our elected officials! All political formations have treated us with contempt and condescension. That said, it’s not so much the increase in itself that horrifies me, but rather the way of doing it. In full negotiation with the public service! It’s a slap in the face and it eloquently demonstrates all the contempt, disrespect and great condescension of our elected officials towards public service employees.

Guy F. Blouin, teacher (qualified!)


It’s so clumsy on the part of the caquists to move forward with this bill in the current context and to want to pass it quickly, perhaps “under a gag”, it’s a bit scandalous! When you compare it with everything that’s happening in our society right now, it’s really unfair to give yourself a 30% raise all at once. Moreover, it contributes to tarnishing the image of politicians! It is certain that the salary must be adjusted upwards, but not so much all at once! And, above all, what should be modified is their pension fund, again not representative of what is offered everywhere else. Why did you not respect the recommendations of the L’Heureux-Dubé report?

Louise Gregoire

To avoid fraudulent maneuvers

If we want to attract quality candidates, we must offer compensation commensurate with the responsibilities. Low remuneration can lead to fraudulent maneuvers on the part of elected officials to increase their income. Politics should not be the prerogative of the rich who are less attracted to these maneuvers and claim to be non-corruptible.

Michael Belair

Yes, absolutely!

Who will want this thankless job if the remuneration is not adequate? Private life, family life, everything passes in the crosshairs, the wringer and the harvester. Very lucky those who escape unscathed. Power drains, but power also drains. In power, I want people who don’t leave their shirts there. As a citizen, I want my elected officials to be respected and paid properly. More than the Quebec average? Yes, definitely yes. The National Assembly costs more to maintain than my house, but I’m proud of it. I want to pay for a beautiful parliament, both outside and inside. No, I do not consider an elected official like any other citizen: he makes important compromises to serve us, my loved ones and myself, he dedicates part of his life to me, and I thank him for it. So, increase the salaries of elected officials: yes, absolutely!

Nadia Gilbert

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