the salary increase of its CEO Carlos Tavares at the heart of a controversy


France 3

Article written by

A. Sylvain, T. Petit, AC. Le Sann, D. Fossard, N Auer, Y. Saidani – France 3

France Televisions

The manufacturer Stellantis displays record profitability, but is this a sufficient argument to justify the astronomical remuneration of its CEO, Carlos Tavares? Indeed, he earns 66 million euros between variable bonuses and group shares, unheard of for a French leader.

Carlos Tavares is worth 19 million euros. The CEO of the Stellantis group is preparing to pocket a record remuneration for the year 2021, a salary consisting of annual bonus, action plan and bonuses. This is much too high for the group’s employees located in Poissy (Yvelines). “We work, but they take the dough”said one of them. “It’s crazy the difference between his salary and our salaries, we can’t accept that”says another.

Last year, employees received an increase of +2.8%, but the account is not there for trade unionists. “Temporary workers get laid off, workloads explode and wages drop. When you have 40 euros more on your salary, you can’t cope with the cost of living”expresses Jean-Pierre Mercier, CGT union representative. The manufacturer assumes in view of the record profits of the company and declares: “Carlos Tavares’ compensation is based on meritocracy”. “It is absolutely disproportionate to his responsibilities and the function he occupies”Judge Loïc Dessaint, CEO of Proxinvest.

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