The sad song of the price of cigarettes

We are getting used to the price of tobacco continually increasing, but artists do not all complain about it in the same way.



Reading time: 6 min

Well before the Evin law of January 10, 1991, which aimed to fight against smoking and alcoholism, private radio stations, in the 1970s, broadcast advertising to retain smokers...The price of cigarettes will increase January 1, 2024. (SOPA IMAGES / LIGHTROCKET / GETTY IMAGES)

“It costs so little”. Today, we no longer imagine talking about tobacco in this way. This song, performed by the delicious Jeanne Aubert, dates from 1937. It is a song from the film Mirages, a nice comedy with Arletty, Michel Simon and Jean-Louis Barrault. So she sings this song which speaks of other mirages…

It’s a whole era, a long time before the Evin law: private radio stations broadcast advertising to build the loyalty of smokers – and even then I’m not making you hear the radio game where the prizes are cartons of cigarettes. This was long before the price of cigarettes skyrocketed. Listen to the compassion of our colleagues from July 1972.

In the first episode of These songs that make the news this weekend you hear excerpts from:

Jane Aubert, I sell cigarettes, 1937

Advertisement for Lacroix cigarette paper, 1930s

Inter news at 7 p.m., July 4, 1972

Inter news at 7 p.m., September 26, 1997

Bénabar, Ali and Felix, 1997

The caution, Like a sampler, 2005

Hugo TSR, Ass closed and ears closed, 2008

Laylow & Sir’Klo, God Bless Me, 2013

Renaud, Stop smoking, 2006

Gilbert Bécaud, You have to deal with it, 1999

Jane Aubert, I sell cigarettes, 1937

You can also follow the news of this column on Twitter.

And you can also find the podcast on this link Behind our voices, with the writing and composition secrets of eight major artists of the French scene, Laurent Voulzy, Julien Clerc, Bénabar, Dominique A, Carla Bruni, Emily Loizeau, Juliette and Gaëtan Roussel.

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