“The Sacred Spirit”, a high-pitched Spanish comedy on esotericism as a source of friendship

Reserved only for initiates, esotericism is by definition forbidden to the general public. Chema Garcia Ibarra pushes the boundaries by making it a subject of comedy in The Holy Spirit, Special mention at the Locarno Festival and in theaters Wednesday, July 6. After the observation of a UFO, a group of witnesses is formed around ufology (the study of UFOs), then widens to an interest in all esoteric doctrines. Original, funny and full of ideas.

Very affected by the death of Julio, president of the group of ufologists “Ovni-Levante”, José-Manuel is the most affected of all. Julio had entrusted him with a project that was to change the destiny of humanity and José-Manuel now finds himself alone to make it happen. When a young girl from their entourage is kidnapped, they are convinced that she is the hostage of the extraterrestrials.

More passionate about individuals than about their beliefs, Chema Garcia Ibarra focuses on each of the members of this group of ufologists united by their interest in deciphering the mysteries of the universe under the aegis of occult doctrines. Realistic and wanting to breathe a documentary tone into his film, the director calls on non-professional actors, leaving them a good deal of improvisation. No question here of occult ceremonies, nor of ceremonial costumes, but of fellows in jeans, t-shirts and flip-flops. Their quest is no less fruitful and fantastic.

What interests Chema Garcia Ibarra, also a screenwriter, is this interaction between “normal people” and extraordinary research. Their banality is reminiscent of the protagonists contacted by extraterrestrials from Dating of the Third Kind by Steven Spielberg. This confrontation is here at the origin of the humor of the film, but also of a tenderness towards them. It crystallizes in everyday life a metaphysical aspiration, to which the group seeks answers in the deepening of their studies and their exchanges.

Mixture of science fiction and study of manners, The Holy Spirit reflects the constant interest of a large section of the population for ufology and esoteric doctrines, readable in the abundant editorial production on these subjects, in magazines, books and television programs. Naive or erudite, this attraction translates the disarray in which humanity finds itself, whose awareness of existing and the deadline of death come up against incomprehension. The great success of the film is to treat this quest for knowledge of oneself and of the world with lightness and humor. Surprising.

Gender : Comedy / Science fiction
Director : Chema Garcia Ibarra
Actors : Nacho Fernandez, Llum Arques, Joanna Valverde, Rocio Ibanes, José Angel Asensio, Ainara Paredes

Country : Spain / France / Turkey
Duration : 1h37
Exit : July 6, 2022
Distributer : La Fabrica Nocturna cinema

Synopsis : Julia is dead. This is terrible news for “Ovni-Levante”, the association of ufology enthusiasts that he chaired. José Manuel, one of its members, is particularly affected by the death: Julio and he had a secret project that was to change the destiny of humanity. He will now have to carry it out alone.

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