the Russians pushed back by the Ukrainian army at Mykolaiv


France 2

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The Russian offensive in Ukraine seems to be stalling. The Ukrainian army has even regained ground, as in Mykolaiv. The inhabitants find a semblance of normal life there.

Bread is now available every day in Mykolaiv (Ukraine). “I see a change. Now it’s back to normal and I hope it lasts“, says Maxim, a resident of the city. The Ukrainian army and the voluntary fighters pushed back the Russian forces towards the east. This harbor city on the road of Odessa remains for the moment under the control of the Ukrainians.

In a supermarket Mykolaiv, families come to do their shopping, even if some shelves remain empty. Symbol of the lull, a video of Vytali Kil, the governor of the region, posted on social networks shows him satisfied: “The weather is beautiful, and if there were no strikes, it would be even more beautiful.” If life seems to resume at Mykolaiv, the scars of war are visible around. At the checkpoint, the determined Ukrainian soldiers remain on their guard.

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