the Russians intensify their offensive in the Donbass


France 2

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The Russian army is still tightening its grip on the Donbass. The Ukrainian resistance faces intense Russian artillery fire.

Just over a month ago, the Russians stepped up their offensive in Donbass, eastern Ukraine. The objective is to conquer the last territories of the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, still under Ukrainian control. The Russian army affirms it: the conflict will indeed last. “We continue the special military operation until all goals are achieved, regardless of Western aid to the kyiv regime”said Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister.

The Russians already occupy the vast majority of Donbass and are now concentrating all their efforts to seize the last pocket, which notably includes the city of Severodonetsk. Severodonetsk is almost surrounded, bombarded day and night. The fate of this city recalls that of Mariupol, the port city practically razed by the Russians. According to the Ukrainian authorities, 12,500 soldiers Russians would thus be engaged in this attack in the heart of Donbass.

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