the Russian strikes for the second consecutive night the Odessa region

A news “massive attack”. This is what the authorities of the Odessa region, in the south of Ukraine, denounce on Wednesday July 19, after a second night of bombardment by the Russian army. “End of alert! Details on the consequences (…) will be provided later”, said the governor of the zone, Oleg Kiper, on Telegram. Air alerts also sounded in a dozen other Ukrainian regions. Find the latest developments in the Ukrainian conflict in our live.

A Crimean military field engulfed in flames. A fire broke out Wednesday morning on a military field in the east of the annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, said on Telegram Sergei Aksionov, the Russian local governor. Authorities have already evacuated more than 2,000 civilians in the area. According to Ukrainian media, explosions were heard near this land shortly before the fire, which the government of this territory annexed since 2014 by Russia has not confirmed.

Global concern after the end of the grain agreement. Moscow’s decision to leave the agreement on the export of Ukrainian cereals on Monday, July 17, a few hours from its expiry, created an outcry on the international scene. “I urge stakeholders to resolve the issues to allow the resumption of the continued and safe passage of grain and fertilizers from Ukraine and Russia to regions in need, including Africa”reacted Moussa Faki, the president of the African Union Commission.

The United States will provide new agricultural aid to Ukraine. Washington announced Tuesday, through the voice of the head of Usaid, the granting of 250 million additional dollars to support the Ukrainian agricultural sector, and to help the country to “feed the world”. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “have caused more than $6.6 billion in direct damage to the agricultural sector”, estimates the agency Usaid on its site. In total, the United States has released 350 million dollars to help with the production, storage and export of Ukrainian agricultural products.

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