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In Ukraine, journalist Luc Lacroix, live from Donetsk in the region of DonbassMonday, April 18, looks back on the Russian offensive which is expected in the strategic city of Mariupol.
Journalist Luc Lacroix, special correspondent for Donetsk (Ukraine)discusses the situation in the strategic city of Mariupol (Ukraine)Monday, April 18. The journalist begins by explaining that he saw, on Sunday April 17, “all around the city, missile batteries (…), and tanks pounding the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance: the Azovstal factory. And then, when you get closer, it’s a real deluge of fire”.
“This battle of Mariupol still mobilizes Russian and separatist forces. It prevents them from directing all their firepower further north, still in the Donbass, where they want to carry out their great offensive. To give you an idea, before February 24, the separatists controlled about a third of Donbass. Now with the Russians it’s about a third more, but a third is still in Ukrainian hands“, concludes the journalist.