Video length: 2 min
Back to school: the rush on student accommodation
Some students absolutely need to find accommodation before the start of the school year in September, but they are faced with an impossible equation: finding affordable accommodation in university towns.
Some students absolutely need to find accommodation before the start of the school year in September, but they are faced with an impossible equation: finding affordable accommodation in university towns.
It’s a race against time. This student from Bayonne has arrived in Paris and must find accommodation before the start of the school year in September. On the third attempt to try to find accommodation he was told: “For now. I’m stopping the visits. I have too many people on it.” Some students prefer to laugh about it and publish videos of visits to the queuleuleu on the networks.
In the Latin Quarter, the student district par excellence, studio offers are rare. “Usually, I average 12-13 per monththere I only have 3″, explains a real estate agent. For these three small apartments, the battle promises to be tough between the suitors, almost all students. “Today I received 56 emails.”