“The rout of the presidential party is total”, judge Jean-Luc Mélenchon



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“What a good riddance to have seen, after having seen Mr. Blanquer eliminated in the first round, to see the trimmer Castaner ejected”, launched the leader of Nupes, Sunday evening.

After the announcement of the results of the second round of the legislative elections, Sunday, June 19, Jean-Luc Mélenchon pointed to what he considers to be a defeat for Together! “What arises is a totally unexpected, absolutely unheard-of situation: the rout of the presidential party is total, and no majority arises”, he judged. The Macronist camp won 245 seats, according to the final results published by the Ministry of the Interior. La Nupes has 133 seats.

>> Results, reactions, analyses… Follow our live the day after the secobd tour of the legislative elections

The leader of the Nupes had a word for ministers and former ministers beaten during these elections. “What a good riddance to have seen, after having seen Mr. Blanquer eliminated in the first round, to see the trimmer Castaner ejected”launched Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

He also talked about abstention. “France has expressed itself, and it must be said, insufficiently. The level of abstention is still much too highhe estimated. Which means that a huge majority of the population does not know where to turn. Which makes the three blocks [issus de la présidentielle] continue to be neighbors without it being known whether Nupes finishes in first or second position.”

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