The role of Emmanuel Macron in the crisis in Ukraine and the meeting between Yannick Jadot and Christiane Taubira… The informed of the morning of February 9

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Neïla Latrous to comment on the news of Wednesday, February 9: Nathalie Saint-Cricqpolitical columnist at France Télévisions and olive tree perua political journalist at The Express.

Ukrainian crisis: Europe once again a balancing power?

Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic marathon ended late on Tuesday, February 8. Moscow, Kiev, Berlin, and in two days: hours of palavers, discussions, negotiations. Concluded by a speech alongside the new German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz. At his side was also Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, who has chaired the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe since January 1, the only institution where Russia, the United States and all the countries of Europe meet. .

Germany is presiding over the G7 this year, and France over the Council of the European Union. Do all the efforts made this week allow us to say that France and Europe are regaining a diplomatic role in this crisis? Emmanuel Macron succeeded in making Europe speak again with one voice? “The president got rolled in the flour”, according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, because the Kremlin denies the “significant progress” put forward by the Elysée. Was Emmanuel Macron’s trip positive?

Is there still a way for the union of the left?

The meeting should have been kept secret. It is missed since the press has widely echoed these last hours of the closed-door meeting organized on Sunday evening between the teams of Christiane Taubira and those of Yannick Jadot. On the content of the exchanges, it is word against word. On each side, we tell a different version on a possible withdrawal of one for the other. Who benefits from the revelation of this encounter? Around Yannick Jadot, the Taubira case divides? Is it just a matter of ideas, or are there big money stories too? Does Christiane Taubira have the means to go all the way? And Anne Hidalgo in all this?

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