“The role of a caregiver is to be an example and to participate in the collective effort”, says Elisabeth Bouvet, of the High Authority for Health

The public authority considers this Friday, July 22 that the vaccination obligation for caregivers must continue given the epidemic situation and the effectiveness of vaccines.

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When you are a caregiver, you have to get vaccinated. The role of a caregiver is to be an example, and therefore to participate in the collective vaccination effort“, said this Friday, July 22 on franceinfo Professor Elisabeth Bouvet, president of the Technical Commission for Vaccinations at the High Authority for Health, while the government, based in particular on the opinion of the HAS, refuses to reinstate non-professional caregivers. vaccinated in health establishments or nursing homes.

On the subject of a possible return of non-vaccinated caregivers to health services, Elisabeth Bouvet remains cautious: “If there is no longer an epidemic, or a serious residual form, then the vaccination obligation will be called into question. But that’s not the case at the moment“, she concludes.

The priority for us is to protect the vulnerable. There are still 100 Covid deaths per day in health establishments“, continues Professor Bouvet. “It has decreased a bit, of course, but given the uncertainty and the current epidemic, we have sufficient reasons to maintain this vaccination obligation.“, emphasizes the professor, for whom this obligation is “both a health issue, but also a deontological rule“.

“It is still too early to consider lifting the vaccination obligation, because we are in the midst of the epidemic peak”,

Elisabeth Bouvet, President of the Technical Commission for Vaccinations at the High Authority for Health


The president of the HAS Vaccination Technical Commission acknowledges, however, that “vaccines currently used are less effective against transmission“, but that they remain in spite of everything”likely to slow the transmission of the virusShe also insists that the guarantee of benefits far outweighs the risks on the various vaccines: “Several hundred million doses of these RNA vaccines have been injected around the world, with absolutely minimal side effects. she concludes.

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