the roar of the deer, a spectacle of nature


Article written by

France 3 Rhône-Alpes, M. Feutry, M. Quemener, G. Mahieu – France 3

France Televisions

The slab of the deer, to seduce and attract the deer, launches the autumn season. A spectacle of nature which a team from France Télévisions was able to attend, thanks to a photographer from Haute-Savoie.

From Le Reposoir (Haute-Savoie), Jérémy Calvo, photographer, tracks deer and their slab. “We have to hide so as not to draw attention to ourselves. Look like a bush”, he said. A doe appears, then a stag. “During the autumn period, the females begin to be in the period when they are in heat. As a result, the deer approach them and try to form their harem a bit. (…) The slab is a little competition between the stags, to the one who will make the biggest demonstration to keep the opponents away”he explains.

Two males approach. For Jérémy Calvo, the appointment is unmissable. “At this time, there is the mountain which becomes calm again, the fall colors which arrive, the first snows on the summits, and the slab of the deer. It is really part of the calendar, the appointment really not to be miss every year”says the photographer.

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