the RN “talks a lot” but “does nothing” in Parliament, says LR head of list François-Xavier Bellamy



Video duration: 10 min

Europeans: in the European Parliament, the RN “talks a lot” but “does nothing”, says LR head of list François-Xavier Bellamy

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François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP and head of the Republican (LR) list for the European elections, was the guest of “4 Vérités”, in “Télématin”, on France 2, Tuesday January 16.

The boss of the Republicans (LR), Éric Ciotti, announced Monday January 15 on TF1 that François-Xavier Bellamy will be the head of the party’s list in the European elections in June. Invited the day after this formalization in the “4 Vérités” on France 2, the MEP estimated that“it still remains to rebuild an effective Europe which makes our democracies freer, more sovereign and more capable of controlling their destiny”.

François-Xavier Bellamy took the opportunity to criticize the action of the National Rally (RN) in the European Parliament, saying that the party “Talk a lot” but what“in reality, he doesn’t do anything”. Recalling that the RN won the European elections in France in 2019, the MEP said that“after five years of mandate, the elected representatives of RN will not have moved a comma in a single European text”.

“Nothing has been decided today” on the composition of the LR list

Asked about the possibility that Nadine Morano or number 2 on the list LR for the elections EuropeanFrançois-Xavier Bellamy indicated that “nothing has been decided at this stage” and “things will come in due time”. “This is also what sets us apart from macronism, is that we do not spend our time doing castings and looking for names to be displayed so that we can only exist in communication. Our goal is to talk about the substance.”launched the MEP, a few days after the government reshuffle.

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