the RN, surprised by the size of its parliamentary group, must urgently recruit collaborators

With 89 deputies and a group in the National Assembly, the RN is looking for some 300 collaborators to work with its elected officials.

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“Party is looking for parliamentary collaborators”: this could be the text of an ad signed Marine Le Pen. The results of the legislative elections, unexpected, were such that the RN must urgently recruit around 300 employees, including around thirty just for the group itself.

The party does not have such a pool: for the time being, they are only two collaborators, for 89 deputies! Priority of the moment: find two other advisers, one for the finance commission, the other for the law commission. These are two strategic positions. But recruitment takes time, especially since in addition to the thirty employees for the group, two to three assistants will be needed per deputy. “You need skills, it can’t just be cronyism”defends a manager at the heart of these recruitments, without which the desire to have a credible group could be forgotten.

>> The new RN deputies “will have to professionalize”, according to a political scientist

The CVs are therefore passed through a sieve. Specifications: eliminate potentially problematic profiles because they are too radical, find suitors who share the ideas of the National Rally… “Not everyone will be close to us, that’s obvious”, predicts an elected official. The RN will therefore try to draw, in particular, from the pool of the few conservative student unions.

It will also be necessary, in parallel, to find executives for the party. A RN “damaged”recognizes a history, after the election of many of its executives to the Assembly.

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