At the heart of the case, kits used during the 2012 legislative elections, the price of which was deemed overvalued by the prosecution, in order to deceive the State which reimburses the expenses of candidates exceeding 5% of the vote.
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The National Rally escaped a record fine of more than 10 million euros for fraud at the expense of the State in the so-called “campaign kits” affair. But Marine Le Pen’s party will nevertheless have to pay a fine of 250,000 euros, the Paris Court of Appeal decided on Wednesday March 15.
At first instance, the RN had been sentenced to a fine of 18,750 euros for concealment of misuse of corporate assets. On appeal, the court reversed the RN’s guilt concerning the concealment of abuse of corporate assets and released him for these facts. But it did, on the other hand, confirm the guilt of the political party for “surplus of facts”.
During the appeal trial, the public prosecutor’s office had requested a fine of 500,000 euros against the RN. Believing to have been the victim of fraud, the State claimed 11.6 million euros in damages from the party and the defendants. In total, three legal persons (the RN, the micro-party Jeanne and the communication company Riwal) and seven relatives of Marine Le Pen were tried on appeal for fraud at the expense of the State, abuse of corporate assets, breach of trust , concealment and money laundering.
“Breaking the Rules of Democracy”
At the heart of the file, campaign kits, turnkey electoral material used by the candidates of the National Front (now National Rally) during the 2012 legislative elections. These kits consisted of leaflets, posters “personalized”a website and even services to present accounts in order to the institution responsible for verifying the financing of political parties (CNCCFP).
These kits were sold for 16,650 euros to FN candidates by the Jeanne association, Marine Le Pen’s micro-party, and provided by the communications company Riwal, headed by Frédéric Chatillon, a former president of the GUD (Groupe union defense, far-right student organization). For the prosecution, this system hid overvalued benefits, intended to deceive the State, which reimburses the expenses of candidates exceeding 5% of the vote. This system “has violated the rules of democracy”said the president of the court of appeal in announcing the decision.