the RN obtains 89 seats and signs a historic breakthrough in the National Assembly

The National Rally achieves a historic breakthrough during this second round of legislative elections, Sunday, June 19. With 89 elected deputies, according to the final results of the Ministry of the Interior, the RN will therefore be able to form a political group in the National Assembly.

>> Results, analysis and reactions: follow the election night of the second round of the legislative elections

A historic result for the far right, which does better than its best score achieved during the second round of March 16, 1986. At the time, the party of Jean-Marie Le Pen had obtained, for the first time, 35 deputies, thanks to the proportional voting system in a single round. The political formation of the 2022 presidential finalist, qualified on June 12 in 208 constituencies with 18.68% of the vote, therefore achieves its best performance for the legislative elections, and greatly improves its score compared to 2017 when only eight elected had been able to enter the Palais-Bourbon.

On the evening of the first round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 12, Marine Le Pen had asked her voters to give her “100 to 150 deputies”. Even if the account is not completely there for the far-right party, the National Rally would position itself as the third political force in the country, according to our estimates.

>> Legislative 2022: find all the results in your municipality

After the progress of nearly 7.5 points made by the boss of the RN in the second round of the presidential election in April (41.45%, against 33.9% in 2017), the far-right party, which refused any alliance with Eric Zemmour and his party Reconquête!, therefore confirms the dynamics of the presidential election.

A successful bet therefore for Marine Le Pen, who brings with her to the Palais-Bourbon a historic number of far-right deputies and will therefore be able to weigh in the national political debate with a view to the presidential election of 2027.

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