The RN deputy for Marne files a bill to remove the zones prohibited for the most polluting vehicles

Anne-Sophie Frigout considers this device “unfair”. According to her, it creates a division between those who can buy a car that pollutes less and those who cannot afford to change vehicles.

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Anne-Sophie Frigout, deputy National Rally of the Marne, announces on France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne her intention to file, Thursday, September 15; a bill to abolish low mobility emission zones (ZFEM). This device, which limits traffic in certain areas to vehicles with the correct Crit’Air sticker, is considered “unfair” by the chosen one. This is “social segregation” which causes a “break in equality between the French”according to the elected official.

“At a time when the French are asking themselves the question of how to heat themselves this winter, obviously we have to fight against air pollution, but we must also stop this hype against motorists”believes the deputy of the National Rally at the microphone of France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne.

To support this approach, Anne-Sophie Frigout launched a petition to stop the ZFEM project planned in Reims. The MP claims to have “passed the 10,000 signature mark”.

The Climate Law makes ZFEMs compulsory from 31 December 2024 in all metropolitan areas with more than 150,000 inhabitants. There will be 43. Only vehicles carrying a Crit’Air 1, 2 or green sticker will then be authorized to drive there.

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