the rise of the wine sector


France 2

Article written by

J.Gasparutto, F.Caer, C.Bruere, B.Catrice, M.Schwarz – France 2

France Televisions

Belgium seeks to compete with French wine. This year, the harvest in the country promises to be absolutely exceptional, in particular due to the drought. The country also benefits from more flexible specifications than in France.

Estinnes (Belgium), a few kilometers from the French border, is one of the showcases of Belgian vineyards. Twenty years ago, there were two hectares of vines here. Today there are 35. This year, as everywhere, the harvest started earlier because of the drought. But here, we see rather a very positive view of this scorching summer.

Arnaud Leroy grows here Chardonnay and pinot to produce sparkling wine. And if his family embarked on this adventure, it is because the south of Belgium has the same characteristics as Champagne: limestone soil, south-facing hillsides and an increasingly favorable climate. In 20 years, the field has become more professional: it now has about ten employees. In the wake of these pioneers, dozens of vineyards are created each year in Belgium. Some of the winegrowers benefit from a double advantage: more flexible specifications than in France, and a much lower cost.

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