It was 4% over one year in October, according to the institute in its provisional monthly estimate.
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An improvement, month after month. Inflation slowed significantly in November, and consumer prices therefore increased by 3.4% year-on-year, after 4% in October. “This drop in inflation would be due to the slowdown over one year in the prices of services, energy and, to a lesser extent, manufactured products and food”underlines INSEE in this provisional estimate carried out at the end of the month, published Thursday November 30.
Over one month, consumer prices should fall slightly in November 2023 (-0.2% after +0.1% in October). “We are emerging from the inflationary crisis, I confirm it”welcomed Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, on France Inter. “We will be below 4% inflation by the end of 2023, which is a real economic achievement, which is due to the economic policies of the euro zone states”he added. “We will have succeeded in controlling inflation in two years.”