the rise in contamination continues in the Dordogne

The weekly point of Public Health France indicates that “the increase in virological indicators noted since the beginning of June continues leading to a very active circulation of SARS-CoV-2”. This is the case in France, but also throughout the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and in the Dordogne. The 7th wave of Covid-19 is here, and all the indicators are on the rise.

Incidence rate tripled in one month

In the Dordogne, the incidence rate stood on Friday July 1 at 636 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This is three times more than at the beginning of the month: at the beginning of June, it was 212 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. At the same time, the positivity rate is exploding. Today out of 100 people who get tested, 32 are positive.

Hospitalizations on the rise

More and more people are infected with Covid-19 and as a result, hospital admissions are also increasing. Santé Publique France indicates that in New Aquitaine, “Corrèze, Creuse, Vienne and Dordogne have the highest weekly rates of new hospital admissions”. There were 99 people hospitalized in the Dordogne on Friday July 1. 16 people were hospitalized in Périgueux, including two in intensive care.

source site-38