the riots in France used to relativize the coup de force of Evguéni Prigojine


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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The Russian media talk a lot about the French riots. Talk shows are the fiercest.

How are the French riots perceived in Russia? The Russian media talk a lot about it and, as often in Russia, it is the talk shows that are the fiercest. They use the riots in France to try to relativize the attempted armed coup that took place in Russia just over eight days, led by the boss of the Wagner militia Yevgeny Prigozhin.

The West portrayed as decadent by the Kremlin

The presenter of one such program said: “Emmanuel Macron speaks of civil war in Russia, but where are the rioters? They are in Paris, they are not in Moscow (Russia)”. She also underlined the fact that the President of the Republic had gone last week to the concert of Elton John while insisting a lot on the fact that the latter was homosexual. All this is part of a much more global discourse, a Kremlin discourse that portrays the West as decadent, particularly Europe. and in particular France, explains the journalist from France Télévisions, Luc Lacroix, live from Moscow.

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