the right to the second booster dose is extended to all “at risk” people, their relatives and pregnant women

This extension of the vaccination campaign was recommended by the High Authority for Health a week ago. Until now, only immunocompromised people and people aged 60 and over were entitled to this second booster.

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The government follows the advice of the scientific authorities. He decided to extend the administration of a second booster dose of vaccine against Covid-19 to pregnant women, people under 60 “at risk” and to those living in the entourage of fragile people. The decision was made in a “epidemiological context which remains worrying, with highly contagious variants”explained the Ministry of Health, Wednesday, July 20.

The government has decided to extend the second recall “from now on to adults aged 18 to 60 identified as being at risk of a severe form of Covid, to pregnant women and to people living in the entourage of vulnerable or immunocompromised people”he detailed in a press briefing.

This extension concerns approximately five million people, which brings to approximately 17 million the number of French people eligible for this second booster dose to date. Until now, only immunocompromised people and people aged 60 and over were entitled to this second booster.

Concretely, this additional booster dose is possible from three months after the first booster for the most fragile (over 80 years old, residents of nursing homes, severely immunocompromised people). For others, it can be administered six months after the first booster.

On the other hand, the government does not envisage that the rest of the French people may be entitled to this second booster dose: “Today, there is no likely scenario that would extend the second recall to everyone, although we must remain cautious”explained the ministry.

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