the right to abortion soon enshrined in the Constitution



Video duration:
2 min

Right to abortion: soon enshrined in the Constitution

IVG: the right to abortion soon enshrined in the Constitution – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – C.Méral, A.Bourse, AC.Roth, A.Bard, V.Ghiri, J.Weyl, G.Messina, T.Le Hec, L.Michel

France Televisions

“Abortion is never a victory,” said Simone Veil. Abortion should never again be threatened in France, because freedom will be written in black and white in the Constitution.

Voluntary pregnancy intervention (abortion) should soon be guaranteed in the Constitution. This is an announcement from President Emmanuel Macron on social networks. “In 2024, the freedom of women to have an abortion will be irreversible”, wrote the President of the Republic. Including abortion in the Constitution is a commitment of Emmanuel Macron. He chose a revision by the parliament meeting in congress at Versailles rather than a referendum.

Anti-abortion activists

Guaranteeing abortion is a response to the concerns of associations and feminists while anti-abortion activists are active. “We have seen the emergence of new movements which have methods of mobilization which will tag in the street or mobilize French politicians”, explains Floriane Volt, director of legal affairs at the Women’s Foundation. In the European Union, access to abortion. It is rarely possible in Malta and Poland.

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