the right lays down its conditions in the Senate


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

J. Prigent, C. Méral, X. Romans, S. Lerch, A. Bouville, E. Peraud – franceinfo

France Televisions

The examination of the pension reform will begin in the Senate on Thursday March 2, for two weeks of debate. The right and the center, in the majority, are in favor of the reform, but the Republicans set their conditions on the retirement of mothers and special plans.

Act I of the pension reform was played out in the National Assembly with heated debates. Act II will take place in the Senate, reputed to be calmer. The text will be examined in committee on Tuesday, February 28, then in the Senate on Thursday. Two weeks of debates are planned. The right and the center, in the majority, are in favor of the reform, but the Republicans (LR) set their conditions.

Two requirements

First, for mothers with a full career, LR offers two options: a 5% premium or an early departure at age 63. The government says it is open to this proposal. The second requirement of LR is to toughen the text on the special regimes to accelerate their convergence with the general regime from 2025. The RATP and the electricity and gas industries would be concerned in particular. The end of special regimes could then gradually apply to agents in place, and not only to new recruits. THE government does not close the door.

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