“The right decision for the FFF and for himself”, reacts Amélie Oudéa-Castéra

In a statement to AFP on Tuesday, the Minister of Sports expressed her satisfaction a few hours after the resignation of the president of the French Football Federation.

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After several months of turmoil, Noël Le Graët resigned on Tuesday, February 28, during the executive committee of the French Football Federation. A decision welcomed by the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, in a statement to AFP. “It’s the right decision for the FFF and for himself. I have confidence in the future of 3F, in the quality of its teams and in the ability of its authorities to learn the lessons of recent months to come out stronger, in the service of French football”she noted at the end of her showdown with the now ex-president of the FFF.

The Football Federationwill now be able to move forward and do everything possible, under the interim presidency of Philippe Diallo, to get out of the crisis with the next democratic deadlines in sight”added the Minister of Sports.

Two weeks earlier, the latter had returned the conclusions of the audit carried out on the dysfunctions within the body which had not spared the one who had been at the head of French football for more than eleven years. “The behavioral excesses of Mr. Le Graët are now detrimental to the image of the FFF and invites the federal authorities to examine this situation in application of the statutory provisions (…). He no longer has the necessary legitimacy to administer and represent French football.decided this report on February 15.

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