The Republicans and their centrist allies found this “compromise” on Tuesday, the LR group announced.
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This is the most controversial measure in the immigration bill. Senators The Republicans and their centrist allies found Tuesday a “agreement” on article 3, concerning the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in shortage, announced the LR group.
This “compromise” confirmed by the president of the centrist group, Hervé Marseille, provides for the deletion of article 3 which allowed the granting of a residence permit for workers in an illegal situation in sectors with a labor shortage. The right considered this measure as a red line. The agreement also includes the upcoming addition of legislative measures aimed at “frame” THE “regularization power of prefects”, a request from the centrists.
Facilitate the “landing” of the text
“This agreement should allow the Senate to vote on its own text, which profoundly modifies the version presented by the government”, explained Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group (majority in the Senate), in a press release. “It was important that we vote on a text in the Senate, otherwise everything we would have done here would have been lost.affirmed for his part Hervé Marseille. That would have been very damaging. We make landing easier [du texte] in the National Assembly” from December 11.