the richest do the best




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Central theme of the presidential campaign, purchasing power is at the center of the debates. The Institute of Public Policy found in a study that the wealthiest people have benefited more from the government’s latest measures. Decryption with Alexandre Peyrout, France Télévisions journalist in the economy department.

The Institute of Public Policies took stock of five years of tax and social reform. On average, the disposable income of the French increased by 1.6% over the period 2017-2022. On the median salary in France, ie 1,842 euros per month, this represents an increase of 24 euros per month. This increase is mainly due to the suppression of the housing tax. Figures which confirm those put forward by the Ministry of the Economy in early October. Indeed, Bercy announced a 1.8% increase in purchasing power over the period 2017-2022.

The situation of the poorest has deteriorated

While Bercy advanced a 4% increase in disposable income among the less well-off French, the study does not go into the same meaning as government. According to the study, the disposable income of the poorest 5% of French people would not have increase with the reforms of the last five years. Some have even seen their income decrease. For a salary of 600 euros per month, the loss is estimated at 3 euros each month, in particular because of the increase in the price of fuel and the tobacco tax. Finally, the richest would have seen their purchasing power increase by 2.8% and by 4.1% for the richest 0.1%.


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