Invited Thursday, December 21 on France Inter, the president of the Republicans believes that not applying the law “is staggering and scandalous”.
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“It’s sedition.”gets annoyed Thursday, December 21 on France Inter Éric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains (LR) party, while the left-wing departments and several cities have already announced that they will not apply the immigration law, adopted Tuesday evening by Parliament.
Éric Ciotti believes that not applying the law “is astonishing and scandalous”. The LR deputy for Alpes-Maritimes wonders if we are “in a banana republic” Or “there would be small local wrens who would decide to no longer apply the laws of the Republic”.
Refusals can “be punished by law”
Éric Ciotti castigates the attitude of these presidents of departments, such as Seine-Saint-Denis and Lot, who, according to him, “put themselves outside the laws of the Republic” by refusing, for example, the restriction of personalized autonomy assistance (APA). He also considers that these refusals “contrary to all legal principles” can “to be punished by law”.
Everyone must apply the laws of the Republic, especially elected officials.
Eric Ciotti, president of the LR partyon France Inter
The president of the LR party does not consider, however, that the LR president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional council, Laurent Wauquiez, is committing sedition by removing his region from the “zero net artificialization” system, enshrined in the law for two years. “It’s not the same thing (…), it has nothing to do”, supports Éric Ciotti. The boss of the right ensures that for Laurent Wauquiez this is a matter of “adaptive capacity which is in the hands of the Regions”. “There, we are in a law of the Republic which applies to everyone”, he adds. Laurent Wauquiez had, however, been accused at the time, notably by government spokesperson Olivier Véran, of not “not respect the law”.