The motion of censure tabled by part of the left received 223 votes out of the 289 necessary to bring down the government, while that of the RN obtained 88 votes.
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1 minute

The revenue part of the draft Social Security budget for 2024 was adopted by the National Assembly at first reading, Monday October 30, after the two motions of censure from the left and the National Rally (RN) were rejected by parliamentarians. They were filed in response to 49.3 triggered by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, her tthird since the resumption of parliamentary work in September and his 14th since his arrival in Matignon on May 16, 2020.
The motion of censure tabled by part of the left – La France insoumise, the Communist Party and Europe Écologie-Les Verts – received 223 votes out of the 289 needed to bring down the government. The other motion tabled by the RN obtained 88 votes.