the revenge of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the Socialist Party


France 3

Article written by

B. Garguy-Chartier, S. Ripaud – France 3

France Televisions

Has the time for revenge come for Jean-Luc Mélenchon? The leader of La France insoumise, who dreams of becoming Prime Minister after the legislative elections, left the Socialists in 2008, convinced of the death of the party.

Formerly a minority in the Socialist Party (PS), Jean-Luc Melenchon became, Wednesday, May 4, the leader of a unified left for the legislative elections. This revenge, he was already savoring it on the evening of the first round of the presidential election. “I never let go, I never gave in, I never looked down. And that’s how we built this strength”he said then.

At the beginning of the 2000s, in the government of Lionel Jospin, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, minister, was already defending a line more to the left. This is the break in 2005, when he supports the “no” to the European Constitution against the party leadership. The no wins in the referendum, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon leaves the PS three years later. Since then, he has never ceased to denigrate him. For his second attempt at the presidential election in 2017, he was 13 points ahead of the Socialist Party and immediately refused, in the legislative elections, an alliance with the PS.

He finally strengthens his domination in the presidential election of 2022 with a score well over 20%, when the PS does not reach 2%. For the legislative elections, the Socialists bowed, and recognized Jean-Luc Mélenchon as leader of the left.

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