The revelations of Mélanie Laurent on her meeting with Pio Marmaï

Heroine of “Tempête” the film by Christian Duguay where she plays a veterinarian married to a sulky driver (Pio Marmaï), Mélanie Laurent confided in the columns of Madame Figaro. Cinema is a profession of passion, it requires a lot of energy, and even when trying to do my best, my activities inevitably deprive me of time with my family. And finally, Tempête allowed me to play with Pio Marmaï, an actor endowed with real acting power, and also the coolest man on earth“, she recounted.

Words that have a funny echo when the two actors of the feature film are interviewed together, always in front of the camera of Madame Figaro. Because the two actors confided that their first meeting had gone very badly. “I think it was in a restaurant“, indicates the actor. “Yeah, we had a fight, we rotted the first time“, clarified the actress. “We are rotten yes. We fight a lot less now“, then launched his partner.

The duo then lent themselves to more personal confessions. Pio Marmai notably returned to his role as a father and the changes that this has caused in his career. “All the actors are in a look so focused on themselves“, he said. Before continuing: “You know I think having another center of attention, it allowed me to have distance in what I do as a human being“.

Words in which Mélanie Laurent obviously found herself. “What’s great is when you come home at night and you have absolutely no space to worry about“, confided the actress. “Because this space is completely taken by this individual“, added the actor. His partner then spoke of the difficulty today of reconciling individual freedoms and the concessions linked to the couple: “We are very torn between the desire to have a partner with whom we want to live everything and our lives which are free and new and which do not always go with life with a man.“.


See also: Laurent Baffie balances on the past of Benjamin Castaldi

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