the revelations of Axel Goude on the famous sports commentator

In 2012, Thierry Roland passed away at the age of 74. Known for his career as a sports journalist and football commentator, he had the chance to analyze the matches of 13 world cups, 9 European championships and therefore 1360 football matches. Passionate about football, he has also held this position in the world of athletics, boxing and has also covered the Olympic Games on several occasions.

If he worked on France 2 and TF1, he ended up being thanked by the channel… before joining M6 where he had to team up with Axel Goude, a host he knew well since he had him himself. even recommended during his youth. A fact that Axel Goude has just revealed this Thursday, March 30, 2023 in an interview with Jordan De Luxe: It was Thierry, who sent me to a training center at the time since he had seen me play a crazy match when I was a hopeful for Hauts-de-Seine, so he saw when I was 14 and we ended up on M6…” he remembered.

See also:

Axel Goude almost killed Thierry RolandThis interview was an opportunity for Alex Goude to silence a nasty rumor about the former commentator: “Thierry Roland was not at all homophobic otherwise he would not have supported being with me! Even if I I almost killed him on the first date… I took him to a restaurant where he had food poisoning, poor thing, so he was angry with me a little bit“he said before giving a little more details on this memorable evening: “I wanted to celebrate my first game with him, so the day before the game I invited everyone to a rotten Italian pizzeria in the middle of Liverpool and everyone fell ill the next day . We were in the bathroom all day before shooting…”.
And Axel Goude to conclude: “We laughed a lot, we had a crazy year! He was not angry, he was inhabited by football, it was his passion. I kiss his wife and his son”. During this interview, Axel Goude also made revelations about a nightmarish shoot with Philippe Etchebest.ES

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