“The return of vaccinodromes is a very good thing”, according to infectious disease specialist Jean-Daniel Lelièvre

At present, 6 000 people are vaccinated against monkey pox in France out of the 250,000 who are eligible.

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“The return of the vaccinodromes is a very good thing” because they represent “the best way to quickly vaccinate the maximum number of people”, declared on Tuesday July 26 on franceinfo the head of the infectious diseases department of the Henri-Mondor Hospital in Créteil and vaccine expert at the High Authority for Health Jean-Daniel Lelièvre. Monday evening, the Minister of Health François Braun announced the opening this Tuesday of a vaccinodrome in Paris to vaccinate against monkeypox.

Medical students will be mobilized. “You have to realize that the health situation is complex and that we cannot mobilize a very large number of doctors or nurses as easily as in the past. Everything explains a certain slowness in setting up this campaign. vaccination”explains Jean-Daniel Lelièvre.

For now, 6,000 people are vaccinated against monkeypox in France out of the 250,000 who are eligible. The infectiologist explains that this vaccine “protects very effectively against monkey pox, as we have seen in the epidemics that have occurred in Africa”. “We have more than enough doses for the population”, assured the minister on Monday evening. 42,000 doses have been destocked in France. Today, around 1,700 people have been infected with the virus.

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