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This is one of the main financial resources of the island: tourism. So in Sri Lanka, seeing tourist activity restart is a godsend.
It is a heavenly destination which is an exception in Asia. Sri Lanka now welcomes tourists from all over the world, vaccinated or not, as before the Covid-19 epidemic. On a beach in the south, still deserted a few months ago, a Russian tourist came to spend ten days of vacation. “We hesitated between Bali and Sri Lanka, but in Bali, there are about forty. (…) So we chose Sri Lanka for the surf and the weather”she explains.
After long months of closure, the country completely reopened its borders last September. To attract tourists, most health restrictions have been lifted. On the island, professionals in the sector are relieved by this wave of tourists. A hotel manager is experiencing his best occupancy rate since the establishment opened five years ago. The country is not experiencing an outbreak of Covid-19 despite the return of tourism. The non-vaccinated are even welcomed in hotels with reinforced health protocols. Sri Lanka, weakened by the health crisis, had no choice but to reopen the borders because tourism represents 10% of the country’s wealth.