the return of the stages in Limoges, after an interruption linked to Covid-19


Article written by

A. Jegat, C. Maillard, A. Leaf – France 3

France Televisions

In Limoges, Haute-Vienne, the Music Festival returned to the streets of the city on Tuesday June 21. It had not taken place for three years, due to the health crisis.

Tuesday June 21, for the Music Festival, the streets of Limoges (Haute-Vienne) resounded with songs, after three years of silence due to the health crisis. “I am a newcomer, I come from Canada (…), it’s a very stylish atmosphere”, says a man. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Fête de la Musique, 40 concerts were organized across the city. The stage helped to reflect the diversity of current music.

“We don’t often have the opportunity, apart from the day of the Fête de la Musique, to play in Limoges, because there aren’t many places that host live music with drums anymore”noted Ludo Avon, singer of the group “One Shot”. Bars and restaurants have also benefited from the return of this party. They are the ones who chose to program the artists. “We are able, with the neighbors, to harmonize on a program, on a group that suits everyone”explains Laurent Denis, manager of the pub “L’Irlandais”.

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