the return of the polls in “Le Parisien” during the electoral campaign

It was his predecessor who no longer wanted polls in The Parisian during the 2017 presidential campaign. Jean-Michel Salvator, the editorial director, made the opposite choice, by associating his newspaper with franceinfo and Ipsos.

“The polls are part of the campaign and have a very direct influence on its progress, we saw it with the primary of the right where the polls played an extremely important role. On the left, they allowed the candidates to modify their strategy, like Anne Hidalgo or Yannick Jadot. I think we have to do it and it’s important for readers. Now we shouldn’t take these surveys as forecasts of results later.”

To cover this campaign, The Parisian has in particular planned “Facing the Readers” with the main candidates: “It will be with Christiane Taubira in the coming days. The choice of people who interview is a ‘Parisian’ manufacturing secret! We choose readers we know, an agency also recommends certain profiles to us. We make them work a little before they question the personalities, but the questions are not dictated to them.” declared Jean-Michel Salvador.

“The interview lasts two hours and in general it gives spectacular results, we saw it with Macron in January.”

Jean-Michel Salvator

on franceinfo

It is indeed in this flagship section of the newspaper that the President of the Republic dropped the sentence: “The non-vaccinated, I want to piss them off.” Jean-Michel Salvator remembers the post-interview: “The rule in the written press is that we do the interview and then we send the transcript before validation. There, Emmanuel Macron went so far that he couldn’t change this word that he had said several times I waited with some curiosity for the return of the Elysée but they didn’t want to change anything… I have the feeling that this sentence was not premeditated, Macron wanted to pay for the antivax, it was obvious but maybe not with those words. I think he went beyond what he meant, he got carried away.”

Other news for The Parisian : the launch of its digital version from 9:30 p.m., two hours earlier than before. The daily also proposes the publication every two months of a supplement devoted to the environment, the first issue of which will appear on Saturday January 5: “This is a request not only from readers but from French society. The French have become aware that global warming is no longer an opinion but a fact, an indisputable fact. They want to participate in this fight against global warming climate at their level, with this idea that small streams make big rivers. This is what we wanted to do with this supplement which will give very practical advice on what we can do more and better for the ‘environment.” concludes Jean-Michel Salvador.

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