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In Paris, the mask becomes mandatory outdoors again from Friday December 3. Part of Ile-de-France is also concerned, such as the departments of Val-de-Marne, Hauts-de-Seine, Yvelines and Essonne. What do the inhabitants think about it?
The mask will become compulsory again in Paris and in a large part of Ile-de-France, from Friday December 31. For many Parisians, however, wearing a mask outdoors is already obvious. “If we want to be protected and protect others, it is essential“says a passerby. For others, it shouldn’t be a requirement.”If I’m in the Saint-Cloud park, I find it a bit silly to put it on“, indicates a resident. There are also the refractories:”To me it’s utter nonsense“, says a passer-by.
The mask outdoors is unnecessary, according to some specialists. “From what we know about contamination with this virus, it is mainly done by aerosols, (…) which depends on the volume of the space in which you are, and therefore outside, the volume being infinite, the risk is infinitely low“, explains Martin Blachier, public health doctor. The mask will be compulsory for people over 11 years old, but not for those on bicycles, motorcycles and who practice sports.