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In the “An idea for France” section of 13 Hours, journalist Valérie Heurtel presents the Parisian company Greengo, which wants to relaunch the glass deposit for restaurants selling take-out in an ecological logic.
Rather than throwing away the packaging when we consume delivered catering, why not reuse it? This is the idea of the young Parisian company Greengo, which offers the use of reusable glass containers for fast food and delivered, which the customer must then bring back.
Deposit systems are also being developed in certain supermarkets for deli counters and salad bars. In total, Greengo works with 15 supermarkets and 75 restaurants, as well as around sixty company restaurants. The anti-waste law provides for the end of single-use plastic packaging for catering by 2040.
Journalist Valérie Heurtel also explains that local chains of glass lockers are being set up everywhere in France for the sale of drinks.